
Product Details

Size Animal weight Vest Length
Tiny <7 lbs 9.25 in
Toy 7-15 lbs. 12.25 in
Small 15-30 lbs. 13.5 in
Medium 24-45 lbs. 15.5 in
Large 45-85 lbs. 18.5 in
XLarge 85-120 lbs. 21 in
Giant 120-160 lbs. 24 in
XGiant over 160 lbs. 29.5 in
Maximum girth measurement is approximately double the vest length
No ImagePPN610
ID Badge Holders
Lost or damaged your ID badge holder? Ordering an extra badge? This is perfectly sized to hold your Pet Partners ID badge. 3" x 4" vertical clear vinyl holder with top slot to insert the badge and top hole for a lanyard clip.

NOTE: new and renewing volunteers will receive a complimentary badge holder in their ID badge mailer packet.

If you need to order a replacement ID badge, please search for “replacement badge” in the Volunteer Center on the Pet Partners website.

1 / Each
Price: $0.00 USD